Ukens utvikler: Sigve Fast
Novacare presenterer ukens utvikler! Hver uke fremover kan du bli bedre kjent med de som jobber hos oss, og denne uken er det Sigve Fast du kan lese mer om.…
Novacare presenterer ukens utvikler! Hver uke fremover kan du bli bedre kjent med de som jobber hos oss, og denne uken er det Sigve Fast du kan lese mer om.…
There are several methods that will give you an URL to a Episerver content, but they do not all work the same. I dive into the details.…
In Episerver CMS, you are probably familiar with the fundamental concept of grouping properties into tabs. You may place your own properties in the existing tabs (Content, Settings etc) or create your own tabs with descriptive names. You may, however also tamper with the special tab PageHeader! What if editors…
Most of us don’t care if a heading is level 1 or 5 or whatever, but mismatching heading levels can be fatal for some users.…
Tidligere i år ble Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon (DSS) sitt intranett kåret til et av verdens beste og vi i Novacare har vært så heldige å ha Vidar Olsen, en av våre utviklere med på teamet. Vi har tatt en prat med både han, Hilde Kari Sundet og Petter Thorsrud…
Preventing broken links is an important part of maintaining a website. Episerver's Link Validating job tries to help us, but unfortunately, it has its shortcomings. How it works Episerver keeps track of all links and stores them a database table called tblContentSoftlink. This table has multiple uses. It…
It's not always easy to tell what is happening inside a kubernetes cluster. There are many alternatives like prometheus that can do alerting and monitoring for you. However by using AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) you get a lot of Azure tools included. Most prominently the centralized logging with…
I recently had an issue when I tried to deploy the correct configuration for a .NET Core application. I managed to mix up the environment names used in the application itself, in IIS and in Octopus Deploy. The result was that none of my configuration files worked as expected, with…
In Novacare, we utilize Application Insights [] to monitor our applications. Application Insights uses a query language called Kusto Query Language [] (KQL for short). Sometimes it's hard to know what data to…
Need to take more control over your ContentAreas? This ValidationAttribute will help you limit the usage of specific types inside the ContentArea.…