Running a multisite solution on localhost in Visual Studio

by Henning Sjørbotten

Running a multisite solution on localhost through Visual Studio is quite easy to set up. A small Visual Studio config file needs a small touch and everything is ready. The secret is to edit the applicationhost.config-file, which is found in the .vs-folder that Visual Studio creates in your solution:…

How to customize the Visual Studio color scheme per solution

by Henning Sjørbotten

Working with Visual Studio running multiple solutions at the same time can get confusing. All windows look the same, and it takes time to navigate to the right window. The Solution Colors extension makes this easy! What is Solution Colors? Solution Colors is a tool that allows you to assign…

Visual Studio Shortcuts Cheat Sheet

by Sigve Fast

Visual Studio, as one of the most widely-used IDEs, comes packed with shortcuts to make our lives easier. But do we know them all? Or even the most useful ones? Here's a quick cheat sheet of the Visual Studio shortcuts that I use to speed up my coding…

Change Intellisense shortcuts in Visual Studio

by Sigve Fast

The most frustration thing a developer can experience is keyboard shortcuts changing. This happened to me recently when the Ctrl+space shortcut started auto inserting a member instead of showing the List Members box. Here is how I fixed it. 1. Open Visual Studio and go to the Tools -&…

How to change port number for a .NET Core project using IIS Express

by Henning Sjørbotten

Some time ago I wrote a blogpost on how to set/change port number for a solution using IIS Express and Visual Studio. After more and more projects are using .NET Core, the way of handling the port number have changed. If you are not in .NET Core, the old…

How to set/change port number for a project using IIS Express in Visual Studio

by Henning Sjørbotten

For running projects locally through Visual Studio and IIS Express, your URL will be something like http://localhost:9257/. As a developer, you probably often have many different projects on your machine, and using the same port number on the projects could cause problems. So if this is the case,…