Sortable enum properties for Optimizely CMS

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Enum properties in Episerver/Optimizely has been used for more than 10 years. The legendary Joel Abrahamsson blogged about it as early as in 2013. Enum properties can still be used the same way in Optimizely CMS 12. However, over the years I have been a little hesitant about using…

How to fix scheduled job 'Remove Abandoned BLOBs' if it keeps failing

by Henning Sjørbotten

Optimizely CMS got a nice built-in scheduled job called 'Remove Abandoned BLOBs', that helps you with deleting old blobs that is no longer in use. Mostly, this job is problem free, but some solutions sometimes get an access rights bug - "Access to the path 'my/…

Automatic Alt Text for images using Optimizely CMS 12

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Even if ChatGPT and other LLMs (Large Language Models) have gotten a lot of attention lately, neither the use of AI nor integrating AI in tools like Optimizely CMS is new. I released an addon in January 2020, that uses AI and machine learning, to provide various metadata for images…

Optimizely CMS gjør det enklere å finne frem til brutte lenker!

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Hver uke kommer det en oppdatering fra Optimizely, og forrige ukes release hadde et par oppdateringer som gjør det enklere for deg som nettredaktør å få has på brutte lenker.…

Nyheter i Optimizely CMS

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

For et par måneder siden hadde vi i Novacare en intern fagsamling der vi bl.a. oppsummerte hvilke nyheter som har kommet i Optimizely CMS i løpet av det siste året. Her er noen av høydepunktene. LinkItem Tidligere har ikke Optimizely CMS hatt en innebygget egenskapstype som er velegnet for…

New ways to add content from within TinyMCE in Optimizely CMS 12

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Optimizely CMS has a weekly release cycle, today's release had a few updates regarding the rich text editor, TinyMCE. One update that caught my attention was: Allow selecting content from TinyMCE If you use the default settings, you will get this new button on the toolbar. If you…

Auto-suggestions for properties in Optimizely CMS

by Henning Sjørbotten

After developing in Episerver and Optimizely for nearly 13 years, I recently stumbled upon a feature that has been a part of Optimizely CMS for ages, yet many developers seem to be unaware of its existence. It's the remarkable auto-suggestion functionality for string properties within the CMS. Typically,…

Optimizely finally releases new and improved list properties!

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

For years, the Generic PropertyList has been widely used, despite the warning at the top of the documentation. It's unsupported functionality. Also, any links and references inside such lists are not tracked by Optimizely, and you will not be warned of incoming links when deleting content. I'…

Power Optimizely CMS using the same language model as ChatGPT

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

On March 1st, OpenAI released their Chat completion API using the gpt-3.5-turbo language model, the same language model used by ChatGPT. Learn how you can add ChatGPT-capabilities to Optimizely CMS.…

Upload files larger than 4MB in Optimizely CMS12

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

In a new version, you would perhaps expect everything to be bigger, better and faster? For Optimizely CMS, that is (for the most part) the case. But when it comes to uploading files in edit mode assets pane, there is a 4MB limit. If you try uploading a larger file,…