After I wrote a blog post about Quick and dirty output cache in Optimizely CMS12
someone reminded me that this would not work well with visitor groups
All visitors would get the same cached content, even…
Optimizely CMS is still using TinyMCE for the rich text (XhtmlString) fields. By default, everything you write in these fields is being wrapped in <p></p> tags. These extra tags can be a pain, as they do not always fit with the document structure. You do…
In Optimizely CMS 12 the admin mode is given a real facelift. The new admin mode
written in React has risen like a phoenix from the ashes of the old Web Forms
admin mode.
The scheduled jobs has gotten a facelift too, where the duration of the last
executions are…
.NET5 and .NET6 has no concept of output caching, and neither does Optimizely Content Cloud 12. Don't let that stop you from caching your output!…
With responsive websites, the same image can be displayed on screens ranging
from several thousand pixels wide down to a few hundred.
It is a lot of wasted bandwidth if the user on a tiny mobile screen has to
download an image 2000 pixels wide, only to display it as…
Optimizely CMS 12 can finally convert pages from one page type to another! Great! But what about blocks and media...?…
Phew, that's a mouthful! Working with AKS sometimes is. However, I can assure you that this approach to securing your applications in your Kubernetes cluster is worth it. The advantages to have a secretless solution are many:
* No secrets are lost in the wild 🐅 The need to send…
When developing, there are several benefits to using SVG sprites, but maintaining sprites can quickly become difficult and time-consuming. With Webpack and svg-sprite-loader your sprite will be automatically generated when you bundle your code.
What is an SVG sprite?
A sprite is a collection of something, ex. images, put into…
With Optimizely DXP, we as developers do not have direct access to the
production environment. If I want to get the database + blobs from the
production environment to update my local dev environment - this is how it's
Export the database
The database export can be started…