Allowing special characters such as ‘æ’, ‘ø’, and ‘å’ in your Optimizely solution is simple. Optimizely provides a helpful article on this topic here:
However, do not blindly follow the steps in that article, as this will lead to unexpected results with…
Running a multisite solution on localhost through Visual Studio is quite easy to set up. A small Visual Studio config file needs a small touch and everything is ready.
The secret is to edit the applicationhost.config-file, which is found in the .vs-folder that Visual Studio creates in your solution:…
Working with Visual Studio running multiple solutions at the same time can get confusing. All windows look the same, and it takes time to navigate to the right window. The Solution Colors extension makes this easy!
What is Solution Colors?
Solution Colors is a tool that allows you to assign…
Optimizely CMS got a nice built-in scheduled job called 'Remove Abandoned BLOBs', that helps you with deleting old blobs that is no longer in use. Mostly, this job is problem free, but some solutions sometimes get an access rights bug - "Access to the path 'my/…
After developing in Episerver and Optimizely for nearly 13 years, I recently stumbled upon a feature that has been a part of Optimizely CMS for ages, yet many developers seem to be unaware of its existence. It's the remarkable auto-suggestion functionality for string properties within the CMS.
Are you tired of constantly debugging your code, trying to figure out where that one pesky bug is coming from? Look no further, because we are thrilled to announce our newest addon to Visual Studio: Time-Travel Debugging.
Go back in time
View future code
namespace HelloWorld
class Hello {
static void…
Some time ago I wrote a blogpost on how to set/change port number for a solution using IIS Express and Visual Studio. After more and more projects are using .NET Core, the way of handling the port number have changed.
If you are not in .NET Core, the old…
Rollen som IT-konsulent kan være utfordrende, spesielt når du jobber med klienter som ikke har mye kjennskap til teknologi. Men det er også en veldig givende rolle, da du får muligheten til å hjelpe klientene med å løse deres teknologiproblemer og forbedre deres forretningsdrift.
Da jeg for snart 15 år…
Getting a lot of 404 errors after upgrading your Optimizely CMS solution past version 11.20.11? It might be fixed within seconds!…