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Fordi jeg misliker kjedelige 404-sider, og fordi min kollega Karl har hatt stor suksess med sin kube-snake, spurte jeg ChatGPT om jeg kunne få hjelp med å lage et retro-inspirert Snake-spill i Javascript.…
Fordi jeg misliker kjedelige 404-sider, og fordi min kollega Karl har hatt stor suksess med sin kube-snake, spurte jeg ChatGPT om jeg kunne få hjelp med å lage et retro-inspirert Snake-spill i Javascript.…
In a new version, you would perhaps expect everything to be bigger, better and faster? For Optimizely CMS, that is (for the most part) the case. But when it comes to uploading files in edit mode assets pane, there is a 4MB limit. If you try uploading a larger file,…
In Optimizely CMS you can manage an optional shortcut for all pages. There are different types of shortcut. * No shortcut (default) * Shortcut to another content item * Shortcut to page on another website * No shortcut, display text only * Fetch content from another content item One use case for the type «Shortcut…
I Optimizely (tidligere Episerver) CMS til og med versjon 11 hadde vi tilgang til et rapportsenter med følgende innebyggede rapporter. Disse rapportene var bygget på, den nå utdaterte, teknologien Web Forms og ble fjernet da Optimizely CMS ble lansert på ny og moderne plattform; .NET 6. Selv synes jeg flere…
Today was the day. I was finally ready for upgrading to Optimizely CMS 12! I have read every blog post and watched every YouTube video! My personal blog and some add-ons were upgraded months ago without too much hassle. I attended (and even spoke at) the local Optimizely Tech Forum…
After I wrote a blog post about Quick and dirty output cache in Optimizely CMS12 [https://blog.novacare.no/quick-and-dirty-output-cache-in-optimizely-cms12/], someone reminded me that this would not work well with visitor groups [https://webhelp.optimizely.com/latest/en/personalization/visitor-groups.htm]. All visitors would get the same cached content, even…
In Optimizely CMS 12 the admin mode is given a real facelift. The new admin mode written in React has risen like a phoenix from the ashes of the old Web Forms admin mode. The scheduled jobs has gotten a facelift too, where the duration of the last executions are…
.NET5 and .NET6 has no concept of output caching, and neither does Optimizely Content Cloud 12. Don't let that stop you from caching your output!…
Optimizely CMS 12 can finally convert pages from one page type to another! Great! But what about blocks and media...?…
With Optimizely DXP, we as developers do not have direct access to the production environment. If I want to get the database + blobs from the production environment to update my local dev environment - this is how it's done. Export the database The database export can be started…