Remove «Reports» from the global Episerver menu - and the forum is great!

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Today, a colleague asked how to remove the «Reports» menu item from the global menu in Episerver, but only for users not belonging to a specific group. I did not know how to do that. But, I do know that the people who hang out in the Episerver World forum,…

Attribute to set TinyMCE settings per property in Episerver

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

After the introduction of TinyMCE editor v2, creating an initialization module is the recommended way of configuring TinyMCE in Episerver. This works well when you want the same configuration for all your XhtmlString properties, but that is not always the case.…

Tomas Hensrud Gulla er ny Episerver MVP

by Kjetil Melsom Olsen

Episerver Most Valued Professionals (EMVP) er en utmerkelse som blir gitt til de som er med på å bidra til det globale Episerver-samfunnet. Vi i Novacare er spesielt stolt over at Tomas Hensrud Gulla, har fått denne utmerkelsen. Han har jobbet med Episerver siden 2010 og har det siste året…

Blått er ikke den eneste nyheten for Episerver-redaktører det siste året

by Dagfinn Reitan

Det siste året har Epi gjort livet lettere for oss som jobber med innhold, og i høst lanserte de et moderne redaktørgrensesnitt der navigasjonen tar mindre plass så vi får mer arbeidsrom. I tillegg har det vært masse andre forbedringer og jeg har plukket ut de beste her!…

Automatic Alt Text for images in Episerver using Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

A module for Episerver CMS that uses Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision API to generate automatic metadata for uploaded images.…

Culture specific image properties in Episerver

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

MediaData, the base class for files and images in Episerver, does not implement ILocalizable and thus does not have the option to include culture-specific properties. I will present a workaround.…

Image preview in Episerver all properties view

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

In Episerver CMS, properties may be added to Images. Images may be enriched with descriptions, etc that are displayed with the images on your website. Editing this kind of information would be more intuitive if we could see both the image and the properties at the same time! Guess what? We can!…

Upgrade Episerver CMS + Find at the same time = everything blows up!

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

When upgrading both Episerver CMS and Episerver Find at the same time. Do not trust Episerver to handle updating both database schemas, things might blow up!…

Content URL, with or without shortcut?

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

There are several methods that will give you an URL to a Episerver content, but they do not all work the same. I dive into the details.…

What's in your head?

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

In Episerver CMS, you are probably familiar with the fundamental concept of grouping properties into tabs. You may place your own properties in the existing tabs (Content, Settings etc) or create your own tabs with descriptive names. You may, however also tamper with the special tab PageHeader! What if editors…