I løpet av de to siste årene har det kommet flere forbedringer som gjør det enklere for redaktører å jobbe med bilder i Episerver CMS. Forbedringene for har kommet gradvis over tid. Her kommer en oppsummering!…
Changes in software are inevitable. Every part - even the most permanent - of a system might change at some point. The issuers of JWT tokens in your identity server is an example of such a part.
When we look at an openid configuration one can find various information about…
In Episerver CMS, the search bar above the page tree in edit mode makes it easy to locate content without browsing the page tree. If you want to search for the page id, we should make some improvements!…
Ukens utvikler er også det nyeste tilskuddet her i Novacare. Etter å ha jobbet for Creuna tidligere, er Sara Dalfalk kommet til oss som ny frontend-utvikle…
Episerver page tree gives you as an editor a lot of information, just by looking at the different symbols on the different pages. But what do they mean? Here's a quick overview of the different symbols you could encounter..…
While on a company outing with NOVACARE to a nearby arcade pub, I came across a
table with a built-in arcade system. I thought to myself that this would make a
great piece of furniture in my house. I already own a Raspberry pi 3 and I have
a spare…
Helping out editors with limited access by removing clutter in the page tree.…
Ukens utvikler er tilbake! Vi starter mai med å intervjue Petter Karlsrud.…
Content in Episerver CMS is organized using pages and blocks. Pages are instances of page types, and blocks are instances of block types. If you by accident create the wrong page type, or you want to move existing pages to a new and enhanced page type, Episerver provides a feature…
Today, a colleague asked how to remove the «Reports» menu item from the global menu in Episerver, but only for users not belonging to a specific group. I did not know how to do that. But, I do know that the people who hang out in the Episerver World forum,…