Vue UI makes it effortless to set up a Vue frontend project with webpack. It should take no longer than 5 minutes to set up a frontend build system with your preferred settings. Let's go through the necessary steps in order to set up a new Vue project…
For deg som er kunde av oss i Novacare, vil det fra tid til annen være behov for
å fortelle oss om noe du ønsker å få gjort. Kanskje vil du ha en søkefunksjon
til nettstedet ditt? Muligens trenger du en integrasjon til det nyanskaffede
CRM-systemet? Uansett hva behovet er,…
I saw an ad for self-watering plant pots a while ago - and I thought it looked pretty neat. As I looked at the hefty price of 4.000 NOK for the system, I thought to myself that it would be cheaper and more fun to make my own with…
After posting a tweet about passing multiple interfaces into the .NET service container and resolving the services as an IEnumerable in the constructor, I thought it would be a good idea to write more about it in detail.…
In Optimizely's cloud hosting service DXP, Optimizely has for a long time offered to generate certificates for the sites it hosts, giving us the secure https URLs with a reassuring padlock next to it.
Until today that service has come with the limitation that they could not generate…
Bicep is the new kid on the block when it comes to IaC (Infrastructure as Code).
It ties closely with ARM-templates. It's flexible and easier to use and read
than ARM. Alerts can be hard to keep track of in a IaC setup. Let's try to…
Content Manager is a lightweight editing UI for Optimizely Content Cloud (formerly known as Episerver CMS), that provides an easy interface for working with structureless content. The initial version was released in April 2020, almost two years ago.
I really like the idea, and installed Content Manager on my personal…
Sanity [] has a great way to migrate data. I found myself
converting a boolean property to a string in a sanity document. My boolean
property acts as a feature toggle that I now want to extend to beta users. I'll
do my examples as…
Den siste tiden har det igjen blitt tatt opp til vurdering hvorvidt Google Analytics er innenfor EUs personvernregelverk. Uten å ta stilling til hverken debatten eller det juridiske, så finnes det måter du kan sikre deg en løsning som ikke er, eller kan være, i strid med reglene:
1. Ikke…
Hele verden møtes nå først og fremst på Teams. Det er også ofte slik at man har faste Teams-møter som det burde gjøres opptak av, men ofte glemmer man å sette i gang opptaket før langt ut i møtet. Fortvil ikke - dette kan automatiseres!…