Novacare blog

Erstatning for rapportsenteret i Optimizely CMS 12

I Optimizely (tidligere Episerver) CMS til og med versjon 11 hadde vi tilgang til et rapportsenter med følgende innebyggede rapporter. Disse rapportene var bygget på, den nå utdaterte, teknologien Web Forms og ble fjernet da Optimizely CMS ble lansert på ny og moderne plattform; .NET 6. Selv synes jeg flere…

Creating a customized view of Contentful checkbox

My goal with this app was just to be able too show a normal checkbox instead of two radio buttons for the Boolean fields in Contentful, after one of my colleagues reached out to customer support with the response: - Thanks for reaching out to support. Currently the field appearance…

Using NDepend to uncover code smells

Code quality should be a high priority for a coder. NDepend is a tool that helps coders to sniff out the smells in their code. After a friendly chat with the NDepend's author, Patrick Smacchia, I got started using the tool on my projects. Installation on Linux The…