Custom icons in the Optimizely/Episerver CMS page tree

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

By default, all pages in your Optimizely page tree look the same. With custom icons, you can add your personal touch, and make it easier to visually separate the different types of pages.…

Optimizely Content Cloud (CMS) and updates to the database schema

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

The Optimizely (formerly Episerver) products are continuously improved and weekly updates provide bug fixes, security updates, performance improvements, and occasional new features. Sometimes the database schema remains unchanged when you update the product, sometimes it does not. When Optimizely makes changes to the database schema, those changes are incorporated into…

Episerver/Optimizely Scheduled jobs - always add a GUID!

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

A scheduled job is Episerver's/Optimizely's way of running some piece of code at a configurable interval.…

Lazy loading images in Episerver/Optimizely xhtml string properties

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Lat lasting (eller «lazy loading» på godt norsk) av bilder er en teknikk for å øke ytelsen ved å utsette lasting av bilder til det er strengt nødvendig. Lenge var dette en øvelse som krevde komplisert kode eller bruk av biblioteker, men nå har de fleste nettleserne innebygget støtte.…

Content Manager, the greatest thing since sliced bread?

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Optimizely Content Manager is a lightweight editing UI that aims to make publishing content easier, as it takes away some of the complexity. I like the idea, but here are two main issues left before Content Manager could be used in a production environment.…

Deploying to Episerver DXP - Part 1: Integration, direct deploy without using the Deployment API

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

When deploying your site to Episerver DXP, there are so many options. Some are quite fast, some are super slow. I show how to deploy to the Integration environment the fast way, using Azure DevOps.…

Deploying to Episerver DXP - Part 2: Preproduction and Production, Deployment API

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

When deploying your site to Episerver DXP, there are so many options. I show how to deploy using Azure DevOps, the deployment API, and Epinova's DXP deployment extension.…

Syntax highlight code snippets in Episerver - Part 1: The basics

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Episerver is perhaps not the most used platform for developer blogs, but adding code snippets can be useful in other scenarios too. Adding syntax highlighting to TinyMCE is easy, using the Code Sample plugin. It works well with both Prism.js and Highlight.js, two popular syntax highlighters…

Syntax highlight code snippets in Episerver - Part 2: Styles and language support

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

After completing part 1, setting up syntax highlighting with the bare minimum, it's time to let your code shine. Highlight.js has 95 different styles, or themes. Find one that you like, and adjust the link to the CSS file with the name of the style. I like Tomorrow Night Bright…

Syntax highlight code snippets in Episerver - Part 3: Display language label

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

I would like to display the name of the programming language in the top right corner. One problem with this is, that I do not want to add any extra markup. I want to use the unmodified Code Sample plugin, I want to be able to change or reposition the label…