Contentful migrations: Add validation to slug field and update existing values

by Magnus Sigvartsen

Adding custom validations to a slug field in Contentful and updating existing faulty values using Contentful migration scripts and Contentful CLI…

Lagring av data i Contentful. Nå i EU!

by Magnus Sigvartsen

Contentful tilbyr nå datalagring i EU, med servere i Dublin og backup i Frankfurt, for å styrke GDPR-overholdelse. Denne funksjonen er tilgjengelig for "Premium plan"-kunder. Noen begrensninger gjelder.…

Building dynamic URL structures with Contentful and Nextjs

by Magnus Sigvartsen

Set up a parent/child URL structure using Contentful, and resolve the URL and build up the static paths in Nextjs.…

Multiple queries in Sanity with one request

by Magnus Sigvartsen

Format your groq query to get multiple queries in one request to…

Filtering an array for specific types with GROQ

by Magnus Sigvartsen

In Sanity, you can have arrays that contain different objects. But what if we want to filter out the specific types inside the array when we run a query? A problem I came across was how to map the different Sanity objects to .NET objects based on their type. Disclaimer:…

Format fields with more columns in Sanity with fieldsets

by Magnus Sigvartsen

When creating new fields in Sanity, they take up the full width of the editor interface. But if we have a lot of fields that require a short length, we get a lot of unused space. It can also get a bit annoying for an editor to have to scroll…

Sanity: Serialize custom objects with .NET

by Magnus Sigvartsen is a headless CMS. Since a headless CMS acts as an API for our raw data, it makes it easy to distribute the data to multiple channels such as mobile, web and wearables.…

Sanity: Serializing custom annotations in .NET

by Magnus Sigvartsen

Knut from Sanity has a guide on how to create internal and external links in Sanity Studio. He also shows how you can render these links in your front end. Unfortunately, he does not show how you can do it using .NET. After digging around the github repo for Sanity…