Automatic Alt Text for images in Episerver using Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

A module for Episerver CMS that uses Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision API to generate automatic metadata for uploaded images.…

Episerver image anonymization using Microsoft Cognitive Services and Face API

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation [] (GDPR) storing personal information is not something that should be taken lightly. Using Microsoft Cognitive Services [] it is possible to identify what's in the images that editors, or…

A forgotten gem in Episerver CMS: Auto-translate

by Henning Sjørbotten

Multilingual site in Episerver? Episerver and Azure can help you with your translations, and it doesn`t need to cost anything.…

Set alerts on crashed Kubernetes pods in Azure Kubernetes Service

by Karl Solgård

It's not always easy to tell what is happening inside a kubernetes [] cluster. There are many alternatives like prometheus [] that can do alerting and monitoring for you. However by using AKS [] (Azure Kubernetes Service) you…