Novacare blog

Sanity: Serializing custom annotations in .NET

Knut from Sanity has a guide on how to create internal and external links in Sanity Studio. He also shows how you can render these links in your front end. Unfortunately, he does not show how you can do it using .NET. After digging around the github repo for Sanity…

Deploy Sanity Studio with Azure DevOps is a headless CMS, which means the editor interface is very loosely coupled with the website or interface that is displaying the content to the end user. The editor interface for is called Sanity Studio and in most scenarios you will want to deploy this as…

Datasikkerhet à la hakkespettboken

De fleste som kjenner Donald Duck, har kanskje på ett eller annet tidspunkt ønsket seg en kopi av hakkespettboken til Ole, Dole og Doffen. Dette oppslagsverket, som etter sigende inneholder all kunnskap i verden kan vise oss hvordan dagens sikkerhetsutfordringer kan løses.…