Novacare blog

Flytt hjem - Azureressurser i Norway East

For noen måneder siden var det ikke fritt frem for å opprette SQL-databaser i Azure-regionen Norway East. For min private blogg endte jeg derfor opp med AppService i Norge og database i Sveits. Nå tenkte jeg det var på tide å samle bloggen i én region, men hvordan gjør man egentlig det?…

Episerver icons - use them!

When creating Episerver tools, editors and plugins, maintaining a consistent look and feel is a good thing. Read more, and see a long list of button classes on the Epinova-blog. If we dive inside the EPiServer.CMS.UI package, the file ToolButton.css can be found in /App_Themes/Default/…

Identify your Episerver content!

Episerver CMS is a system for managing content such as pages, blocks, images and documents. You can have multiple pages with the same name, you can even have a block and an image with the same name. When we are communicating about content, the name is not always the best…