Sanity lanserer ny AI-assistent!

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Sanity lanserer en ny digital AI-assistent, som kan jobbe for deg – og sammen med deg – med innholdsproduksjon!…

Multiple queries in Sanity with one request

by Magnus Sigvartsen

Format your groq query to get multiple queries in one request to…

Group Sanity fields in tabs

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Not too long ago Sanity launched what they call field groups. Field groups are exactly what it sounds like, the option to group a bunch of fields.…

Filtering an array for specific types with GROQ

by Magnus Sigvartsen

In Sanity, you can have arrays that contain different objects. But what if we want to filter out the specific types inside the array when we run a query? A problem I came across was how to map the different Sanity objects to .NET objects based on their type. Disclaimer:…

Format fields with more columns in Sanity with fieldsets

by Magnus Sigvartsen

When creating new fields in Sanity, they take up the full width of the editor interface. But if we have a lot of fields that require a short length, we get a lot of unused space. It can also get a bit annoying for an editor to have to scroll…

Migration from boolean to string value using mutations in Sanity

by Karl Solgård

Sanity [] has a great way to migrate data. I found myself converting a boolean property to a string in a sanity document. My boolean property acts as a feature toggle that I now want to extend to beta users. I'll do my examples as…

Sanity and GROQ-powered webhooks are great, but there is a bug...

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Sanity recently launched their GROQ-powered webhooks, and they are really powerful! But there is a bug…

Sanity and Slack integration with GROQ-powered webhooks

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

The newly released GROQ-powered webhooks for Sanity unlock some interesting new possibilities. Use the query language GROQ to define which documents should trigger a webhook and what its payload should be. See how to post messages directly to Slack!…

Easier bulk deletion of Sanity documents, using Sanity CLI

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Yesterday I wrote a kind of intricate blog post on how to bulk delete Sanity documents using Sanity CLI, Notepad++ and regex []. My closing phrase of the blog post was. > Do you know an easier way? Luckily for me, Knut Melvær […

Bulk deletion of Sanity documents using Sanity CLI, Notepad++ and regex

by Tomas Hensrud Gulla

Using Sanity Studio, you can delete documents one by one. What if you want to delete hundreds of documents, or you have removed the schema definition so that your documents are no longer visible in Sanity Studio?…