Moving from AAD Pod Identity to Workload Identity in AKS

by Karl Solgård

Managed identities are a good way to avoid secrets and enhance the security of your application. Workload identity provides a means to connect your AKS cluster to managed identities. The previous method of connecting these identities to AKS involved installing AAD Pod Identity in the cluster and using CRDs (Custom…

Azure app configuration with no secrets using Azure managed identity

by Karl Solgård

Some applications have secrets. Sometimes secrets lie in the app settings. If these gets in the hands of someone evil, it could have dire consequences. We don't want to deal with these app settings at all! That's where TokenCredentials and managed identity comes in!…

Supporting multiple valid issuers in identity server with JWT tokens

by Karl Solgård

Changes in software are inevitable. Every part - even the most permanent - of a system might change at some point. The issuers of JWT tokens in your identity server is an example of such a part. When we look at an openid configuration one can find various information about…