How to change port number for a .NET Core project using IIS Express

by Henning Sjørbotten

Some time ago I wrote a blogpost on how to set/change port number for a solution using IIS Express and Visual Studio. After more and more projects are using .NET Core, the way of handling the port number have changed. If you are not in .NET Core, the old…

How to work with lists in .NET dependency injection

by Karl Solgård

After posting a tweet about passing multiple interfaces into the .NET service container and resolving the services as an IEnumerable in the constructor, I thought it would be a good idea to write more about it in detail.…

Contentful: How to avoid messing up your production content using environments

by Bjarte Aune Olsen

I have a web application with a separate test and production environment. I'm changing the content model, and I want to try out this new feature in my test environment without messing up the content in production.…

Logging SSL certificate data to Azure Log Analytics

by Karl Solgård

There's no built-in way to log SSL data with Azure Application Insights. APIs for SSL analytics exist and that data could be sent in with the "Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API".…

.NET Tip: Feature toggling inside DI-containers

by Karl Solgård

A pivotal moment in the history of an application is when a service changes drastically and deployment becomes a subject of stress and uncertainty. The service might be deemed as unhealthy in a production environment whereas it worked just fine in the test environment.…

Supporting multiple valid issuers in identity server with JWT tokens

by Karl Solgård

Changes in software are inevitable. Every part - even the most permanent - of a system might change at some point. The issuers of JWT tokens in your identity server is an example of such a part. When we look at an openid configuration one can find various information about…

Threading issues in Entity Framework Core 3.0 health check

by Karl Solgård

Following the exciting release of .NET Core 3.0, I was expecting that our services would handle the upgrade from 2.2 to 3.0 with ease. After the upgrade, however, the services sometimes responded with "Unhealthy" and a 503 status code! > The connection was not closed.…

Create and deploy different configurations for different environments in .NET Core

by Bjarte Aune Olsen

I recently had an issue when I tried to deploy the correct configuration for a .NET Core application. I managed to mix up the environment names used in the application itself, in IIS and in Octopus Deploy. The result was that none of my configuration files worked as expected, with…

Build, test and deploy a dotnet core website using Cake, TeamCity and Octopus Deploy

by Bjarte Aune Olsen

I have just completed setting up a simple deploy pipeline for a dotnet core project where I use TeamCity to build the project and run xUnit tests and then Octopus Deploy to deploy…